1861 September 24 Letter to David Lamoreaux


1861 September 24 Letter to David Lamoreaux


A request for Lamoreaux to provide for his former wife and children.




Brigham Young


David Lamoreaux


1861 September 24


Great Salt Lake City
Farmington, Davis County, U. T.


Domestic Disputes

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Sep. 24, 1861.

Elder David Lamoreaux,
Farmington, Davis Co., U. T.

Dear Brother:--

I understand that for some five years past you have furnished very little toward the maintenance of your first wife and her children, and nothing during a year past. Your wife appears unable to do all that is requisite for the proper and comfortable support of herself and children, and, so far as I am informed, I know of no right on your part to leave her to struggle along without assistance from you, her legal protector and father of her children.

It is unpleasant, to say the least, to hear of such alienation and neglect of a wife and children of an Elder in Israel, and I could hope that my thus calling your attention to the fact will insure your at once taking commendable steps, from time to time according to your ability, to prevent a repetition of just complaint from that quarter.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young