1861 October 26 Letter to Lorin Farr


1861 October 26 Letter to Lorin Farr


The residence in the north counties may take their stock to range on the mountains near Promontory Point.




Brigham Young


Lorin Farr


1861 October 26


Great Salt Lake City
Ogden, U. T.



Item sets

G. S. L. City, Oct. 26, 1861.

Pres. Lorin Farr,
Ogden, U. T.,

Dear Brother:--

As the range of mountains terminating south at Promontory Point affords an abundance of water and grass for all the stock in Weber, Box Elder, and Cache counties, it certainly seems but right that the residents in each of those counties send into that region all the stock they may choose, each with men enough to properly take care of them, dividing the range as mentioned in yours of the 23d inst., or in any way that will best accomodate all concerned, and that too upon the principle of "living and letting live", in a kind, liberal, and brotherly manner, without any ill feeling or undue selfishness, for which there is not the least good occasion, so far as I understand the matter.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young