1862 April 9 Letter to Miss A. B. C.


1862 April 9 Letter to Miss A. B. C.


It may be proper to form an alliance with George Sidwell.




Brigham Young


Miss A. B. C.


1862 April 9


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, Sanpete County, U. T.



Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 9, 1862.

Miss A. B. C.
Manti, Sanpete Co. U. T.,

Dear Sister:

Your interesting and candid note of March 20th is before me, and is certainly very creditable throughout, except where you fancy that I "might be inclined to ridicule your humble appeal"; and that fancy is excusable in one of your years and experience, but permit me here to inform you that the candid appeals and statements of an honest heart always have my kind regards, and, when opportunity offers, of circumstances require, my careful consideration.

In regard to the real subject of your letter, if you so wish and your wish is reciprocated, my feeling on the subject is that George Sidwell is the more proper person for you to form the "alliance" with that you mention. Should br. Sidwell not reciprocate your feelings and wishes in this matter, of course your good judgement and natural womanly feelings will at once suggest to you the impropriety of urging the subject.

With the hope that you may ever give heed to the dictates of the Holy Ghost and enjoy its guidance, please accept the best wishes for your welfare of[?]

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young