1862 May Letter to William H Hooper


1862 May Letter to William H Hooper


Brigham gives updates and asks Hooper to converse with Thomas Kane about the war. Brigham desires his son to benefit from the trip.




Brigham Young


William H Hooper


1862 May


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages



Overland Travel
Civil War

Item sets

G. S. L. City, May 30, 1862.

Hon W. H. Hooper,
Washington City. D. C.,

Dear Brother:

The mails are not yet sent or received, and it is uncertain when they will be, and the wire has been down since the 24th inst. Br. H. W. Lawrence, tired of waiting for the stage, starts for the East at 6 A. M. in the morning, and I improve the opportunity for forwarding
a few lines.

The Companies for Florence are all safe beyond Weber river, and, though the streams are still high, not much damage has as yet been done by them. Bro. R. T. Burton and company are expected in tomorrow, and Cap. Lot Smith is ordered to Ham's Fork.

We presume you will keep us advised upon all important points, not only by mail, but also by telegram whenever your judgement may dictate.

I would like to have you see Col. Thos. L. Kane, converse freely with him, express to him my continued kind regards for himself, his dear wife and children, and all his father's house; Please whisper in his ear wheather he thinks it possible for the union to be broken, and ask what he thinks about it.

Some old back mail matter has just arrived 9-45 p.m., that Col Burton brought to Bridger and then delivered to the mail company, as directed by Secretary Fuller.

As time is too short to write at length, or many letters, I wish you to say to my son Brigham that I want him to be very particular in keeping a minute and correct daily journal of whatever he may see, hear, or do that is of any particular moment; and in case he should forget, I  shall be obliged if you occasionally remind him, for I am desirous that he derives all possible benefit from his trip and your oversight and counsels.

Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young