1862 June 5 Letter to William H. Hooper


1862 June 5 Letter to William H. Hooper


High waters have slowed the train to Florence. Hooper should petition for Utah's admission into the Union. The Senate passed a bill against polygamy.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1862 June 5


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages



Legal Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, June 5, 1862

Hon. W. H. Hooper,
Washington City, D. C.,

Dear Brother:

Your telegrams en-route to the Frontiers and at Atchison were received, but either short notice or the line's being down would prevent my replying era you were off to another point. Your atchison telegram, May 26, owing to wires being down, did not come to hand till the 1st. inst. We were pleased to learn that yourself, br West, and Brigham had proceeded so far on your journey in health and safety.

I wrote to you on the 30th ult. by the hands of br. H. W. Lawrence, who left for the East on the 31st. On the evening of the 31st Col. R. T. Burton and company returned, all well, General Craig has ordered a portion of Cap. Lot Smith's command to Ham's Fork.

High water continues to somewhat hinder the train to Florence, but the cattle now get good grass, and I presume they will not arrive more than a month later than last year, if so much as that.

You fully understand our feelings in regard to admission, and it merely remains for you and br George Q. to do the best you can under the circumstances, trusting the Lord who ordereth the results; and when you have done this, of course you are at liberty to start for home at the discretion of your own judgement.

As heretofore advised, I trust you will keep us well posted by letter on [?] movements of importance, and telegraph whenever wisdom may dictate, which courtesy I will promptly reciprocate.

By latest telegram I see that the Senate has passed the House Bill against polygamy in the Territories, and I wish you, if it has received the Presidents signature, to forward me a copy of it, and also bring a copy with you when you [?]

Your family and friends are well, as are also the people generally. May the Lord God of Israel guide, direct and bless you in accomplishing every desire of your heart in righteousness.

Your Brother in the Gospel,