1862 June 5 Letter to Chauncey W. West


1862 June 5 Letter to Chauncey W. West


A request to prevent William Mills from using church money to build a business. An update is given on the delayed ox train, Indian affairs and financial matters. Missionaries may need to return home if England engages in the war.




Brigham Young


Chauncey W. West


1862 June 5


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Financial Matters
Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, June 5, 1862.

Elder Chauncey W. West.
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear Brother:-

It is strongly rumored here, and apparently with considerable truth, that William G. Mills left on his mission with an understanding, between himself and John M. Browne and Gilbert Clements, that he was to do his best in England to make a Marsden fit-out and prepare to receive them, while they were to gather all the means they could here and, so soon as that was accomplished, join Mills in England. I wish you to at once take measures, in a prudent manner, to prevent Mills' getting any more money from the brethren or belonging to the Church, more than he needs for his daily necessities, take cautious and effectual steps to get it out of his hands as soon as possible; and see that prompt and efficient measures are adopted to prevent his succeeding in any such plan or scheme as the one he is said to have in view, as above mentioned.

The hue and cry about hostile Indians between Bridger and Platte Bridge has thus far ended principally in smoke, as we felt assured at the time it would, Captain Lot Smith and company have been some days at Independance Rock, the centre of the reported interruption, and neither he nor Col Burton have as yet reported so much as seeing the Indian on the route.

The six companies for Florence, under Captains Horton Haight, Henry W. Miller, Homer Duncan, Joseph Horne, John R. Murdock, and Ansel P. Harman, are on their way there, with 267 Teamsters, 244 wagons, 2080 oxen, 26 guards, and 71 1/2 tons of flour. I have purchased 50 tons of flour and 5 tons of bacon at Florence, and more cattle and wagons will be purchased there.

We expect to be able to bring all the freight and persons. Snow and high water so delayed the train's starting that they will be about a month later at Florence than they were last year. Many of the streams here are still high, but so far have done no great damages, except to portions of canon roads.
Since writing the foregoing, as I write at intervals to be in readiness for the first out-going mail, I am advised that 50 of Cap Lot Smith's command have been ordered to Ham's Fork where four Indians have lately driven off some 5 horses belonging to the mountaineers.

The streams are still high, but some are abating. City Creek has dug and curved the road considerably in the Canon and in North Temple street, but has done no damage but what can be repaired.

Col. R. T. Burton and command returned on the 31st ult., all well. While wars and rumors of wars are prevalent, I wish you to keep a close watch upon the progress of events and the signs of the times, that you and the Elders sent from here may be ready at any time to leave for home before your way is hedged up, as it probably will be if England engages in the war now waged in the States.

Please keep me furnished with a monthly abstract of the cash condition of your office, the same as was done previous to the mails' being stopped. Inclosed you will find a sheet of financial business matters, seperate for convenience in filing, to which I call the requisite attention.
Bro James McGuire has just informed me [gap in typescript] your family and friends are well.

Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young

Sarah Hawley, Ann Hawley (formerly Hadfield) and Joseph Hadfield, Pine Valley, Washington  Co., U. T., are heirs to the estate of their late father, Samuel Hadfield. The estate was to be divided between them when Joseph "was of age". He is now thirty years old, and the heirs wish to be informed how the matter stands with the Administrator, John Hadfield, Stockport, Lancashire, England. You will please instruct the travelling Elder or Pastor of that district, when they visit stockport, to call upon John Hadfield and get all the information they can upon the subject.

Edward Griffiths, of Weber Valley, when in England, sent L9.0.0, per Henry Lunt, to the Liverpool Office to pay for his emigration per ship "Thorton," in 1856. He also says that his passage across the sea was free as a consideration for services rendered the company during the passage. In the office account current bro. O. Pratt has credited him with but L4.10.0, and, consequently bro. Griffiths stands indebted to this office with $26.00 for his emigration. He objects to pay the amount for the above reasons. Can you give me any information on the subject?
I have paid your orders upon me as follows:  
John Slade L3.18.7, James Edse<k>hill L4.0.0,
Wm. Ratcliffe 10/c, Mary Ann Barton Shaw L1.0.0,
Mrs. E. Brooks L25.0.0.

I have drawn upon you the following drafts:-Draft No
248 for L 7.0.0 favor of [gap in typescript] Black, Brairlie, near East Wood, Nottingham, England
249, for L4.0.0. favor of Alice Rydalch, Hallfield, near Shiplane, Craven, Yorkshire, England.
250 for L10.0.0 favor of Thomas Taylor.