1862 June 10 Letter to William H. Hooper


1862 June 10 Letter to William H. Hooper


Brigham gives updates on Lot Smith's company. He is asked to purchase platinum and should head home when congress adjourns.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1862 June 10


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, June 10. 1862

Hon. William H. Hooper
Washington City, D. C.

Dear Brother:

I forwarded you a letter on the 6th inst. by the first mail going east since the long stoppage, giving you such news and other matters as were then on hand. But the Mails not being yet in full operation, I avail myself of the kind offer of Mr Hibbard, Telegraph Operator, to send a letter to Omaha, from which point it will probably go in safety.

On the 8th inst. Cap. Lot Smith telegraphed that he was ordered by Gen'l Craig to distribute his command between the west end of Slade's division (somewhere about the South Pass) and Bridger. No Indians reported on the line.

City Creek and other streams continue very high, and Jordan is in many places far out of its banks, appearing more like a large lake than a moderate sized stream.

It is presumable that by the time Congress adjourns, if not sooner, you will have accomplished all within your power pertaining to your present duties, and whenever such is the case of course it will be best for you to start for home.

I would be pleased to have you purchase for me and bring with you two or three ounces of platinum in sheets such as Dentists use: it is worth, commonly seven dollars an ounce in New York.

To you and Brigham:-- Families and friends are well. God bless you both, br George Q. and all who labor for Zion.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young