1862 July 2 Letter to Orson Hyde


1862 July 2 Letter to Orson Hyde


Counsel for a domestic situation. Lot Smith's command is securing the road from Green River. Utah Representatives were admitted to the House but not the Senate.




Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1862 July 2


Great Salt Lake City
Sanpete County, U. T.


Indian Affairs
Domestic Dispute

Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 2, 1862.

Elder Orson Hyde,
Fountain Green, Sanpete Co., U. T.

Dear Brother:

In relation to Ebenezer G. Cherry and Mary Manuel, about which Mr. Cherry has written to me, I wish you to inform them that I think it will be best for Mrs Manuel to get a bill of divorce from her husband, and when that is obtained, that they both be rebaptized and then married to each other. The circumstances you are better acquainted with than I am, but from what he has written I have thought that would be the best way to arrange the matter.

Cap. Lot Smith and command are ordered to Bridger to guard the road between Green River and this City.

Just as the telegraph wire east had begun to get in working order again, it is reported that the wire has been cut just east of the Pacific Springs, said to have been done by Indians.

The Constitution and documents of the Senate of Deseret have been presented to Congress; in the House, on the 9th ult., by our Delegate; and in the Senate, on the 10th, by the Vice President, Hannibal Hamblin of Maine. Bro's Hooper and Cannon have been admitted to seats on the floor of the House; and Senator Latham, of California, has made three efforts for their admission to seats on the floor of the Senate, but at our latest dates Latham's resolution had not been acted upon.

All's well.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young