1862 July 10 Letter to Moses Clough


1862 July 10 Letter to Moses Clough


An opportunity is presented for Clough to raise money that he owes to several people in England.




Brigham Young


Moses Clough


1862 July 10


Provo, Utah County, U. T.

Number of Pages


Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 10, 1862.

Elder Moses Clough,
Provo, Utah County, U. T.,

Dear Brother:

I have before me a note signed by you in England on the 18th of February, 1856, drawn in favor of Thomas Clark for L56-15-0., and payable by you to said Clark on or before the 25th of November, 1857. I have also before me a transfer from the said Thomas Clark to William Edwick (now deceased) of L37-14-0, as then due by you on the aforesaid note, on the 26th of June, 1858. Bro. John V. Long informs me that br Edwick transferred the balance due on the note to him as agent for br Edwick's relatives, which balance br Long states to be $136.00. I am also informed that you borrowed, while in England, L10-0.0 of a br John Jacklin or Whaddon, Cambridgeshire, England, which you have not paid.

What reasons you may have for having borrowed money and left it so long unpaid I of course do not know, nor how many other borrowed sums you may still be owing. But I do know that you now have an excellent opportunity for getting money by furnishing oats or barley, or hauling them, under the contract I made with Ben Holladay, and which is placed in the hands of the Bishops for the brethren to fill upon the same terms that I took it, and get the money for so doing.

I wish you to at once go and make arrangements either by furnishing grain or hauling it, as aforesaid, or in some other way, to raise money, and pay into my office enough to pay what is still due for money you borrowed in England, and not place me under the disagreeable necessity of having the matter further attended to.

Calling your immediate attention to the foregoing, I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young