1862 July 10 Letter to L. C. Harrington


1862 July 10 Letter to L. C. Harrington


A date is offered for Joshua Adams and his wives to be endowed and Brigham gives permission for Mary Huggard to be sealed to Adams.




Brigham Young


L. C. Harrington


1862 July 10


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 10. 1862

Bishop L. C. Harrington,

Dear Brother: 

Your favor of even date is to hand, and in reply my advice is for br. Joshua Adams and his two wives and Mary Huggard to be in this city on the 29th inst in readiness to receive their endowments on the 26th, at which time I am now under the impression that it will be deemed best for sister Mary to be sealed to bro Joshua. If you can make it convenient I should be pleased to have both yourself and br. Huggard here at the same time, but in this both you and he are at liberty to act your own pleasure under your circumstances and feelings at the time.

Should br. Huggard conclude not to be present, please say to him that his daughter Mary will not be satisfied until she is sealed to Joshua, and that he had better give his consent, and it will all come out right,

Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P. S. Please look into the case of br. Scarry's first wife and see that she has her rights in regard to property matters
B. Y.