1862 August 19 Letter to Bishop A. Hoagland


1862 August 19 Letter to Bishop A. Hoagland


Hoagland receives a list of brethren indebted to the Missionary Fund and is asked to seek payment.




Brigham Young


Bishop A. Hoagland


1862 August 19


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City. Aug. 19. 1862.

Bishop A. Hoagland
14th Ward.

Dear Brother:

On reference to the Fourteenth Ward list of donations to the Missionary Fund made in September 1860, I find that the following persons are still indebted in the amounts opposite their respective names.

John Hoagland     Flour                   $ 6.00
John Talton     Hats                           20.00
Edward Stevenson Mech. Lab-          8.00
C. F. Walker <or> Merchandize          5.00
W. B. Wright     Wood                       20.00
G. K. <H> Taylor     Meat                    3.00
Thos Lattimore    Mech.Lab                3.00
Robt. Thompson    100 lb flour.           6.00
McDonald Mech.labor                         5.00
Olsen 100 lb flour
William Parker 2 bus wheat                 4.00
100 lb flour                                          6.00
William Parker 2 bus wheat                4.00
100 lb flour                                          6.00
          Amt brot forward     $275.00
Mathias Cowley Wood                      10.00
Aurelius Miner Cash                          20.00
L. W. Richards Flour.                           9.20
James S. Cantwell store                      2.50
Isaac Brockbank <pay> Flour            10.00
J. W. Jenkins Harness                       10.00
Edwin Pettit     Flour                            6.00
Amasa E. Miriam Wood                       7.00
Anthony Ivins 500 lb Flour                  30.00
William Gibbs 100 lb Flour                   6.00
Thos. Hepworth Meat                         44.00
           amt Brot up.    $ 92.00
John B. Hawkins Flour $10                 25.00
Meat $5 Blacksmithing $10
Jacob Peart Wood                               10.00
Jacob Peart Jr. do.                               10.
James Ferguson 12 1/2 bus Wheat    25.00
Stephen Longstroth 50 lb Flour             3.00
Levi Richards Medecine or produce      5.00
John R. Winder Leather                       25.00
Parley Pratt Flour                                 10.00
Henry Standish Mech. labor                 50.00
J. P. Elder Cooperage                          10.00
John G. Glazard Mech.Labor               10.00
         Amt brot forward. 429.70
J. W. Johnson in Mech labor             $ 25.00
Darwin Richardson 200 lb Flour           12.00
F. D. Richards 500 lb Flour                   30.00
William Eddington Merchandize           10.00
James Bird Mech.Labor                       10.00
Mads Christiansen do                          10.00
Joseph Woodmansee Flour                  30.00
H. Woolcut Mech. labor                        10.00
Charles South Wood                              5.00
James Taylor 100 lb Flour                      6.00
Albert Tyler 1 Yearling Steer     S. P. Teasdale 1 pr Boots

As the Fund is now in need of this means you will please remind these brethren of their delinquen(cies) and request them to make immediate payment. Where mechanical labor is subscribed please take due bills for the amount. Wood, Flour, Grain, stock and other home products  to be delivered at the (General) Tithing Store.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young