1862 August 22 Letter to Peter Maughan


1862 August 22 Letter to Peter Maughan


A bill of divorcement is sent for signature. Maughan and Bishop Williams are to decide upon the amount of assistance and property Huldah Clifford should receive.




Peter Maughan


Brigham Young


1862 August 22


Great Salt Lake City
Logan, Cache County, U. T.

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G. S. L. City, Aug. 22, 1862.

Bishop Peter Maughan
Logan, Cache Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:

In accordance with Bishop R. U. William's view of the case, as advised of in your letter of the 18th inst., I inclose a blank bill of divorce for br. T. B. Clifford and his wife Huldah to sign. Bro Clifford is to pay for the bill, and Sister Huldah, if in the Judgement of yourself and Bishop Williams she is suitable, is to keep her children, at least until circumstances or their choice at maturer years may require otherwise. Br. Clifford is also to assist Sister Huldah from time to time in supporting her four children, should she need such assistance; and if you and Bishop Williams deem it just, give her a portion of his property at the time he signs the bill; the aforesaid assistance and portion of property to be as you and Bishop Williams may agree upon and decide; the assistance of course to vary from time to time as Sister Huldah's needs and br. Clifford's means shall require.

Please see that br. Clifford signs the bill, pays for it, &c., within a reasonable time.

Affairs, so far as known, both at home and abroad, are progressing favorably.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young