1862 August 28 Letter to William H. H. Sharp


1862 August 28 Letter to William H. H. Sharp


Upon inquiry Brigham replies that Almeri Grow is not authorized to preach, baptize or ordain in the Church. Sharp is welcome to move his dentistry to Utah.




Brigham Young


William H. H. Sharp


1862 August 28


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California

Number of Pages



Church Discipline

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Aug. 28, 1862.

Mr. Wm. H. H. Sharp, Surgeon Dentist
Tucker's Academy of Music,
San Francisco. Cal. Care of Dr. Pratt.

In reply to yours of the 22nd inst., I have to inform you that Almeri Grow was long since cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which action of course entirely disrobed him of the priesthood, and I do not dee him a person fit to be a member of said church. Since that time I understand that he has been re-baptized, but I am not aware that in being confirmed any ordination was placed upon him, and if there was not he has no authority either to preach, baptize, or ordain in said Church. In short, Grow's standing in the Church is good for nothing where he is known, and he has not with my consent the least authority to administer or officiate in any Church ordinance whatever.

Mr. Grow has proved himself to be a lying, worthless, unreliable individual, as an acquaintance with him demonstrate, and the only plea I can think of in his favor is the one of insanity. He has no wife here, so far as I know.

For further information upon queries in your letter, and for needful and suitable advice and instruction in your case and circumstances, I refer you to Elder Dwight Eveleth of your City, who is a judicious, intelligent, and food man. If you do not know the whereabouts of br Eveleth, a line to him dropped into Post office will bring a reply.

Trusting that the forgoing will prove satisfactory, I am,


Brigham Young

P. S. I should be happy to have you come on here as soon as you can make it convenient so to do, where you can receive all further instructions, bringing with you all the instruments necessary for carrying on your business of Dentistry.
B. Y.