1862 August 30 Letter to Jane Birchley


1862 August 30 Letter to Jane Birchley


Brigham advises Birchley on the ability and integrity of two men she is considering to care for her property.




Brigham Young


Jane Birchley


1862 August 30


Great Salt Lake City
Great Malvern, Herefordshire, England



Item sets

Great Salt Lake City August 30th, 1862.

Mrs Jane Birchley
Colwall, Great Malvern,
Herefordshire, England.

Dear Sister:

By the request of Dr. Wiseman I forward the accompanying letter from him to you. This would have been sooner done but for interruptions in our Mail service, rendering its safe transmission uncertain, until recently.-Some statements in Dr. Wiseman's letter to you are incorrect, and I do not deem him the best person that could be found to take care of your property here. Should you wish to have any dealing with him about said property, I would advise that you sell it to him, taking his obligations on interest, and holding the property in security untill payment is made in full.

In regard to Bro Wheelock, he does not appear blest with a very great faculty to gather and preserve (property) but, so far as I can learn, he is strictly honest (in his business) transactions with you.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young