1863 March 11 Letter to Samuel P. Hoyt


1863 March 11 Letter to Samuel P. Hoyt


A call to cease opposing the best location of the head race to the grist mill.




Brigham Young


Samuel P. Hoyt


1863 March 11


Great Salt Lake City
Hoytsville, Summit County, U. T.

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G. S. L. City March 11, 1863

Elder Samuel P. Hoyt,
Hoytsville, Summit Co., U. T.

Dear Brother:

The information contained in your letter of the 4th inst. was a little surprising to me, for it is certainly not only strange but also very unwise for persons to hedge up each others way in doing good.

As you state you went to Weber and built a Grist mill by my advice for the benifit of yourself and the settlers in that region who were few and poor. You have built the mill, and I presume that it is a good one, and it is much needed. And now for one man or several to stand in the way of water's being taken out of the Weber river at A point most advantageous for the Mill, and conducted in A race located to the best advantage, is certainly very unneighborly and a short sighted policy, to say the least of it.

Please say for me, to br's McMichael, Rhodebenck, and all others opposing the proper and best location and digging of the head race to your grist mill, that my counsel to them is to cease their opposition; and if they are not liberal enough to help dig the race in addition to ceasing their opposition, that I certainly think it is as little as they ought to and should do to allow you free way for the race from such point and over such track as your judgement decides to be best, without charge let or hindrance of any kind on their part. 

I trust that the foregoing suggestions, counsel and advice will prove sufficient, and that you will all labor to do each other good and build each other up in the faith and practice of the holy religion we profess.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young