1863 March 26 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1863 March 26 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


The Government is too busy to heed the lies of Governor Harding and others. Justic J. F. Kinney conducts his court with propriety. Eveleth is asked to deliver a Book of Mormon to John Freeman. A tithing credit is enclosed.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1863 March 26


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California

Number of Pages




Item sets

G. S. L. City, March 26, 1863.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, California

Dear Brother

Your favor of the 12th inst. is to hand, <and> afforded us
pleasure in again hearing from you.

The meddlesome and mischief making efforts of Harding & Co. appear to be baffled, and at present those persons seem at a loss what steps next to take to stir up strife when the love and abiding of law and order prevail. Chief justice J. F. Kinney, the U. S. Judge in this District, is holding court, issuing processes, receiving returns, &c., in as orderly and quiet a manner as could be done anywhere in the States, and the people love to have it so, for Judge Kinney strives to magnify the laws, a course we as a people most cordially commend and sustain.

It is quite likely, as you remark, that Government is too busey at present to give much heed to the misrepresentations, lies and slanders concocted here by some three or four persons so very insignificant wherever they are known, even though holding Federal offices; and it is certainly presumable that California is too busy in digging gold and too sensible of her own interests, if for no other good reasons, to madly rush into an unjust crusade against her neighbors. Peace we have, and present appearances and movements bid fair for its continuance.

I perceive that the daily Alta California and The Sacramento Daily Union take quite a sensible view of matters.

A Mr. John W. Freeman, Sec. of the Hesperian Lit. Society, Woodland, Yolo County, Cal., has written to me for "A Bible of our Denomination". Such ignorance in your region is rather remarkable, but presuming that the man has been imposed upon, and that it is a Book of Mormon that he wants, I wish you to furnish him A Book of Mormon, if convenient, and charge the same to a/c of Trustee in Trust.

Please accept my thanks for forwarding the Gold paper so promptly. In accordance with your wish, I enclose a cash tithing order receipt in your favor fr $30.00/100 the amount you state the paper cost you, and would also willingly pay you for your servics in the matter, and for such trouble as attending to my orders from time to time may cause you.

As we ever have striven and are striving so shall we continue to strive to walk humbly, deal justly and live uprightly to the best of our ability, doing the will of our God, that we may with confidence leave the ordering of events in his hands, knowing that he will so order them as most to redound to his honor and glory.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young