1863 March 3 Speech by Brigham Young


1863 March 3 Speech by Brigham Young


A copy of Brigham's talk is sent to Frank Fuller to counter accusations made by Colonel Gamble. Brigham accused Government officials of desiring a military despotism in Utah. He heard Joseph's prophecy of the Civil War.




Brigham Young


Frank Fuller


1863 March 30


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Civil War

Item sets

By Pres. Brigham Young, delivered at the Mass Meeting held in the Tabernacle in G. S. L. City, March 3rd, 1863.
Reported by G. D. Watt.
You have heard the message of the Governor of Utah, which has just now been read by Professor Albert Carrington, and have learned from it that the bread is buttered, but the poison is beneath. (Hear, hear.) However I will not stop to notice this.

I will say here that there appears to be a secret influence existing, [word cut off] A class that I do not know what others call but that I call Black-hearted Republicans, against the Pacific railroad and the overland mail route and telegraph line. This is my text, and I will give the sermon in a few words, before I proceed with other items. If a military Government can be established in this Territory, it is universally believed that the people of Utah would not bear it. (cries of "No"..) There it is expected that the telegraph wires would be severed, the mail be stopped, and free travel accross the continent put an end to. This would appear to be the plan of some of the Black-hearted Republicans, and this fool down here is probably operat [gap in typescript] in it. The Democrats do not wish to see this, neither does any true Republican want it; it is desired only by Black -hearted Republicans, rabid abolitionists, or negro worshipers. have used the term Black-hearted, because they worship the image of that which is dark as midnight blackness. This is my discourse.

A man or a thing, which ever term you prefer, sometime ago came into Utah pretending to be a Governor, and he was received as such on his first appearance among us. One of his declarations was that the objectionable feature in the religion of the Latter daysaints he was ready to defend. He stated that he had told the President of the United States that if the question of polygamy ever came up, he would have to stand in defense of it or deny the Bible.

In the Bowery, at a public meeting, he made some assertions corroborating what he had said previously (to) private individuals. Said he, if the time ever comes that I am obnoxious to this people, and they do not wish my presence here, I shall leave this Territory, (cries "it is true, we heard him say so".) Then we have his re(marks) made on the twenty fourth of July last, which I should (say) useing a rather rough expression, were a mixture of froth and blarney from beginning to end. (voice, "so they were".) 

Whether those other two are tools in his hands or not, I do not know. Whether they know any better is a matter of question with me; I do not think they are in possession of any better wisdom.

It is supposed, if by any means this people can be driven to desperation, they will defend themselves, and this will prove their disloyalty to the General Government, create a collition, and break up all communication between the eastern and western portions of the country. This is probably the plan matured in some of their secret counsels. They are determined, apparently,  to bring this about; it is not, however, for me to say whether this is their real intent or not. But there does appear to exist a secret influence to break asunder the western from the eastern portions of our country, and many of their doings point to this object. They wish to break up the telegraphic connection and stop the mails. They are trying to break up civil Government in Utah and set up a military despotism, and woe be to that man who undertakes to introduce despotism in Utah; in such an attempt they will then learn who is Governor. (Great applause) But we will pass by this and suppose that the Governor is empowered to appoint all our military officers, it does not require a great amount of penetration to see that it would then be easy for him to send to California for Gamblers and cut-throats and make Generals, colonels, majors Captains, etc., of them, to rule over and awe the people. When once a military despotism is established, life and liberty would be at their mercy; and then for our juries to be selected from among strangers who have nothing in common with us, and the lives of our best citizens would be placed in jeopardy by those who value money more than life. When our civil, religious, and military rights are thus wrenched from us, What then remains? (Voices, "Nothing) Yes, something, service to despots, service to tyrants.

If we would be just to ourselves, true to our country and to our friends, we will show it by giving an expression of our feelings with regard to having such men stay in our midst, and give the Governor the privilege of keeping his [word cut off] promises; let them resign their offices and withdraw from this  Territory. We ought to give an expression of this kind, and appoint a committee to wait upon them and tell them that this is the voice of the people Let us give them the privilege of returning to their homes, and, if they have A friend on earth, of finding him, for I fear they have no friends here.

I say let the nation remain happy and free, as it was previous to its present difficulties what the people outside do not. We as a people understand God has spoken; his will will be done, and we cannot help it, neither do we nor any righteous persons wish to help it. I was present with Joseph Smith, thirty one years ago, when he predicted that the time would come when slavery in the South and abolitionism in the North would sever the Union, and there would be a great war; he said that the Lord had spoken it. This prediction is being fulfilled, and we cannot help it. Let the Lord be God, and let us serve him and try to do his will and trust him, and he will lead this people to victory and glory.

(Cries of "Amen")