1863 December 2 Letter to John B. Tomlinson


1863 December 2 Letter to John B. Tomlinson


Brigham will send for the persons Tomlinson wishes to immigrate once he receives money for their passing from Liverpool to Florence.




Brigham Young


John B. Tomlinson


1863 December 2


Great Salt Lake City
Black Hawk Point, Gilpin County, Colorado Territory


Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Dec. 2, 1863

Mr. John B. Tomlinson.
Black Hawk Point, Gilpin County
Colorado Territory


In reply to your note of inquiry I have to inform you that the passage and expenses for an adult passenger from Liverpool to Florence generally amount to and from forty to forty five dollars in specie, and proportionally more in U. S. currency, depending upon the difference between it and gold.

How you will be able to safely send either the specie or currency here I am not able to inform you, unless you should chance to meet some responsible person coming here; or, perhaps, if you at times visit Denver, you might get some merchant there to draw you a draft in my favor here, to amount you wish.

Whenever the money is deposited with me, I will at once send for the persons you may name, to the amount you deposit, but have not the means to advance.

Pres. George Q. Cannon, at Liverpool, is advised that if we send trains to Florence next spring, which is the present intention, that they will reach there on or before the first of July next, in readiness to load up and return, and will ship passengers from Liverpool as nearly as possible to meet that time.

Brigham Young