1864 February 6 Letter to Edward Bunker


1864 February 6 Letter to Edward Bunker


The brethren should occupy the valleys mentioned and survey and claim the veins of ore discovered. A copy of the regulations for mining are sent.




Brigham Young


Edward Bunker


1864 February 6


Great Salt Lake City
Santa Clara, Washington County, U. T.



Item sets

G. S. L. City Feb. 6, 1864.

Bishop Edward Bunker,
Santa Clara, Washington County, U. T.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of Jan. 20 came safely to hand, and I think, all things considered, that it will be best for the brethren to branch out and occupy for their stock the valleys you mention, and also to claim, survey and stake off as soon as possible, those veins of or that br. Hamblin is aware of, and that you mention in Your letter, <all> that are sticking out, or likely to be easily found and profitably worked.

Bro. Erastus Snow is in the office, and I handed him your letter to read, and conversed with him on the subject, so that he understands my mind about it. He takes this letter, and also a paper in which are copies of the rules and regulations observed by miners in locating and working mining claims, and will be able to give you such further advice and instruction on the subject as you and the brethren may require.

Trusting that matters will be conducted with prudence and dispatch, I remain

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young