1864 February 26 Letter to H. H. Buttrick


1864 February 26 Letter to H. H. Buttrick


Flour and bacon are scarce and expensive in Utah. Joseph Young can provide information on hiring out freighting and crossing the plains.




Brigham Young


H. H. Buttrick


1864 February 26


Great Salt Lake City
Kewanee, Henry County, Illinois

Number of Pages



Overland Travel
Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
Feb. 26, 1864,

Mr. H. H. Buttrick,
Kewanee, Henry County, Illinois.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 8th inst. has come safly to hand, and I cheerfully reply by the
first opportunity.

Flour is scarce here, and is now selling from ten to fifteen dollars a 100 in currency, with the prospect of being much higher before another harvest. Bacon is, as usual, scarce and high; but fresh beef can probably be bought at a reasonable rate.

Good wagons sell here readily at good prices.

We are sending trains to the Frontiers for our freight and passengers, but Mr. Joseph W. Young, our Agent at Florence, N. T. may be able to inform you of persons who would like to hire freighting done, and also give you such other infermation as you may desire in regard to buying flour, bacon, &c. and upon other subjects relating to crossing the plains and our markets.

That the foregoing may prove satisfactory is the wish of,


Brigham Young