1864 March 18 Letter to Anson P. Winsor


1864 March 18 Letter to Anson P. Winsor


Allowance on damage to a gin can be paid in cotton.




Brigham Young


Anson P. Winsor


1864 March 18


Great Salt Lake City
Grafton, Washington County, U. T.


Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, March 18 / 64

Bishop Anson P. Winsor
Grafton, Washington County, U. T.

Dear Brother:

I am sorry for the distruction of your gin house by fire, not only because of the loss, but because it interupts the cleaning the cotton crop for market. I am in hopes, as you state in your letter to br. George A. Smith, that the iron portion of the gin can again be made of use; whatever damage the gin has received by the fire you are at liberty to estimate, and then allow me whatever you may think right in the case, such allowance to be paid in cotton at fifty cents a pound.

The cotton you may allow on the accident, as also what other cotton I may have there you can, doubtless, arrange to have brought to me by the trains going to Florence from your county.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young