1864 March 22 Letter to Alfred Cordon


1864 March 22 Letter to Alfred Cordon


Brigham will request immigration assistance when a partial payment is sent.




Brigham Young


Alfred Cordon


1864 March 22


Great Salt Lake City
Box Elder County, Utah


Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, March 22, 1864.

Elder Alfred Cordon,
Willard, Box Elder County, U. T.

Dear Brother:-

Fifty Six dollars (56.00/100) in Greenbacks is the estimate this year for passage and expences of an adult from Liverpool to Florence; this estimated amount will not probably vary much either way from the actual cost, and the difference can be arranged for by the parties sending, after we learn what it is. At $56.00 for each adult, if one of the of the daughters Arbon is an adult it will require $196 in Greenbacks, as per estimate, and if the daughters are both of half priced age, then it will only require $168 oo/ 100. Br. Charles Arbon will know the age of the daughter whose age is not mentioned, and if he will send the $160 he has on hand, and insure the payment, in good time, of the $8 or the $36, as the case may be, and such amount as the $56 estimate may fall short, I will send for the persons named in your letter of the 19th inst. The $160 and a responsible assurance for the payment of the remainder must be sent to me at once, to be of any benefit this season, for it is now so late for advising the Liverpool Office in relation to this years emigration, that I cannot insure certainty in the case.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young