1864 March 31 Letter to John A. Dix


1864 March 31 Letter to John A. Dix


Brigham will provide a substitute engineer for the railroad construction.




Brigham Young


John A. Dix


1864 March 31


Great Salt Lake City
New York


Building and Construction

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Utah Territory
March 31, 1864

Hon. John A. Dix,
President Union Pacific Railroad Company,
New York.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor to my son Joseph A. Young, with inclosed "general instructions to engineers", came safely to hand, and in the absence of my son to New York, and possibly to England, I have taken the liberty to reply by telegram and letter as you request.

On the 29th inst., directly upon receipt of your letter, I telegraphed you as follows:-

"Yours of 3d received. Joseph A. Young is in New York; will provide a substitute and fill the party.

As to the prices per month, as stated in your letter, the currency rates compared with the coin rates to the west of us and the gold dust rates to the North may compel me to vary a little therefrom, but I will fill the party at the best figures the currency and labor demand from time to time will permit.

Very respectfully

Brigham Young