1864 April 2 Letter to Joseph E. Hyde


1864 April 2 Letter to Joseph E. Hyde


No one wishes harm to Hyde's father and he should have no difficulty finding employment. Hyde's sister may travel to Utah with George Cannon.




Brigham Young


Joseph E. Hyde


1864 April 2


Great Salt Lake City
Logan, Cache Valley, U. T.



Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 2, 1864.

Elder Joseph E. Hyde,
Logan, Cache Valley, U. T.

Dear Brother:

Your letter of March 26, with inclosures is to hand.

Your father's letters are very good, and I am not aware of any one in the Territory who wishes him the least harm, or has any disposition to infringe upon him in any manner were he here.

As br. George Q. Cannon is released to return home this season, to start from Liverpool about the 1st of august, perhaps your sister Annie can arrange to come with him, should she wish to do so,

I presume your father would have no difficulty in finding remunerative employment here, without doing hard labor, but I am not able at present to state in what particular occupation. I think there need be no fear but that there will always be plenty of employment for all workers in the hive, and that too of a nature suited to their strength and capacity.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P. S.
I herewith return your inclosures.