1865 January 17 Letter to William A. Hickman


1865 January 17 Letter to William A. Hickman


Hickman is counseled to turn himself in and let the truth be manifested in court.




Brigham Young


William A. Hickman


1865 January 17


Great Salt Lake City


Legal Matters

Item sets


President's Office,
G. S. Lake City, Jan. 17/65.

Wm. A.

Hickman, Esq.,

Dear Brother,

Your note of to-day has just been received. I have to say in relation to the subject of your communication that I think your better course is to give yourself up, and if there are no grounds for the charges against you, your innocence will be made manifest in open Court, and you will be justified before the public. If you give yourself up, nobody will hurt you, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it will be in every way better for you than to take an other course.

I have said, publicly and privately, that I had no sympathy with men who meddle with things which are not their own and take that which belongs to others. So far as I can learn, however, there is no evidence against you for wrong-doing in this case, except the testimony of those criminals whose statements cannot be heard as evidence in Court.

Brigham Young