1865 March 28 Letter to James H. Martineau


1865 March 28 Letter to James H. Martineau


Marineau may move his family south and he should work to perfect his business.




Brigham Young


James H. Martineau


1865 March 28


Great Salt Lake City
Logan, Cache County


Business Matters

Item sets

President's Office,
G. S. L. City March 28th, 1865

Elder Jas. H.Martineau.
Logan, Cache Co.

Dear Brother:

Your favor of the 17th instant in relation to your moving to the Cotton Country, has just been received. I have no objections to your moving with your family to the Southern part of the Territory or on to the Colorado, as you may be directed, when you reach there, by Bro. Erastus Snow. We have instructed the Bishops in the various settlements to ascertain whether any of the brethren of their Wards wished to go down to the Colorado, as we were anxious to have a number of families go there and take up the spots in that region that are eligible for settlement.

The climate South may agree with you and your family's health better than the climate where you now dwell, and you are at liberty to go there. If you go, you should go prepared to survey and level, &c., and not relax your efforts in endeavoring to become perfect in the business of surveying.

With love, I remain Your Brother In the Lord,

Brigham Young