1866 January 8 Letter to Franklin D. Woolley


1866 January 8 Letter to Franklin D. Woolley


An invoice and freighting cost is enclosed for the goods to be used to pay for the erection of the cotton factory.




Brigham Young


Franklin D. Woolley


1866 January 8


Great Salt Lake City
St. George, Washington County


Business Matters

Item sets

<Book No. 8>
<P. 1>

President's Office
Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
January 8th, 1866.

Elder Franklin D. Woolley,
St. George, Washington Co.,

Dear Brother:

Inclosed please find an Invoice of goods and Manifest of Freight which I have sent down to you by Messrs Faust and Houtz's team.

These goods are sent to you for the purpose of being paid out for the erection of my Cotton Factory on the orders of brother A. M. Harmon. Of course I have not sent you the prices that you are to charge for the goods; this you can arrange yourself; but you put such a price on them as
will be right and proper With love, I remain Your Brother

Brigham Young

P. S. Please notify brother Harmon of the arrival of the goods.

B. Y.

A copy of this has been sent by Faust and Houtz Teamster.