1866 January 23 Letter to William H. Miles


1866 January 23 Letter to William H. Miles


James Cobb should stay and fulfill his mission. The State Legislature has completed substantial business.




Brigham Young


William H. Miles


1866 January 23


Great Salt Lake City
New York City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

<15 - 16>

Presidents Office
Great Salt Lake City, Jan. 23rd. 1866

Elder Wm. H. Miles,
Box 3957 Post Office New York City

Dear Brother:-

I understand that Bro James Cobb is with you in New York and is anxious to come home. Instead of his coming home at the present time, my feelings are that he should stay and fill his Mission; I have no desire to see him here until he has done this; if I wished his injury, or to spoil him, I should feel willing to have him come home.

You had better place him in the ministry, and he can take his valise and preach the Gospel as an Elder in this Church should always be willing to do; and if he will do right, and be willing to magnify his priesthood, he will make a useful man and have much joy in his labor and ministry. Give him his license and recommend, and introduce him and let him go through the country and build up branches of the Church, and if he will do this faithfully, he will not want for anything and will do good.

We have had a very severe winter from the first of December until a few days ago, when it commenced thawing, and the snow, which has been very deep, is melting very fast.

The Territorial Legislature has adjourned, and the Legislature of the State of Deseret has had its Session and adjourned also. There has been considerable business done by our Legislators during this Session, as much or more than any previous Session

The health of the people is generally good and peace prevails in Zion, the acrimony and bitterness of the wicked to the contrary notwithstanding

With love I remain Your Brother,

Brigham Young