"The Great Privilege of Having a Temple Completed - Past Efforts for this Purpose - Remarks on Conduct - Earth, Heaven, and Hell, Looking at the Latter-Day Saints - Running After Holes in The Ground - Arrangements for the Future" (January 1, 1877)


"The Great Privilege of Having a Temple Completed - Past Efforts for this Purpose - Remarks on Conduct - Earth, Heaven, and Hell, Looking at the Latter-Day Saints - Running After Holes in The Ground - Arrangements for the Future" (January 1, 1877)


Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: F.D. Richards, et al., 1855-86) 18:303-305.
Remarks by President Brigham Young, delivered at the Temple, St. George, Jan. 1, 1877.
Reported by Deseret News.



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