1866 March 7 Letter to W. Willard Smith


1866 March 7 Letter to W. Willard Smith


Soldiers wish to travel with the Church trains.




Brigham Young


W. Willard Smith


1866 March 7


Great Salt Lake City


Overland Travel

Item sets

Gt Salt Lake City,
March 7th, 1866.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 5th instant, on the subject of taking Soldiers to the Missouri River by the Church Train, has been received.

The Church Train will not start from this until about the 20th of April. This will be later doubtless than will suit the discharged men; but if there should be any in the country then who wish to go down, they can arrange the terms with the Captains of the wagon trains.

There are some freighters with Mule teams, I understand, will start earlier, but who they are and when they will start I am not able to say.

As soon as I learn who they are I will apprise them that there are soldiers at your Head Quarters who want to go down, and they can call as they go down and make their own bargains.

Very Respectfully
Brigham Young

W.Willard Smith
Lt. Col. 6th U. S. Vol's Comdg Post,
Fort Bridger.