1866 March 10 Letter to Ezra T. Benson


1866 March 10 Letter to Ezra T. Benson


A joint stock company was formed to manage the sale of flour. Representative will travel to the settlements to organize branches of the company.




Brigham Young


Ezra T Benson


1866 March 10


Great Salt Lake City
Logan, Cache Co.

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets

President's Office
Gt Salt Lake City;
Mar. 10th, 1866.

President Ezra T. Benson,
Logan, Cache Co.

Dear Brother:--

Steps have been taken to organize a Joint Stock Company here for the management of the sale of our Flour and other produce in the Northern Territories. On Saturday last there was a Mass Meeting held in the Tabernacle to lay before the people the objects to be gained by organizing a Company. Bishop Edwd Hunter was elected President and A. O. Smoot, H. S. Eldredge, H. W. Lawrence, W. S. Godbe and Wm Jennings, Directors of the Company. This Company have opened their books and commenced receiving shares. When they raise $20,000 they will enter upon business. The intention is to have this the parent society, and have men sent out to the Settlements to organize branch Societies, to co-operate together and run in one channel for the sale of produce. You may expect to see some of our friends there soon.
What will be the chance for me to get some wheat floured there soon?
With love I remain
Your Brother,

Brigham Young