1866 March 28 Letter to Lydia B. Davis


1866 March 28 Letter to Lydia B. Davis


Davies should contact church agents in New York to get the details on emigrating this season.




Brigham Young


Lydia B. Davies


1866 March 28


Great Salt Lake City
Buffalo, New York



Item sets

President's Office G. Salt Lake City
Mar. 28th 1866.

Mrs. Lydia B. Davies
345 Seneca Street Buffalo, N. Y.

Dear Sister:

Your letter of the 5th instant, asking for information about emigration matters, has been received.

We have sent down Agents to the States this Season to arrange for and take charge of the Emigration of the Saints from Europe, and the Saints in the States, to this country. They have all the information you need, and you had better put yourself into communication with them, and they will be able to direct you when to start from your home, and to what point to go to start on to the plains, and what arrangements you ought to make, &c &c. Probably you can <join> one of the companies of Saints moving westward from New York, by arranging with our agents to inform you in time.

The Agent's names are Thomas Taylor and John T. Caine. A letter addressed to the former gentleman, at Post Office Box 3957 New York City will receive attention

Praying the Lord to bless you and direct you aright, I remain
Your Brother;

Brigham Young