1866 April 15 Letter to Thomas L. Kane


1866 April 15 Letter to Thomas L. Kane


Kane is introduced to T. B. Stenhouse.




Brigham Young


Thomas L. Kane


1866 April 15


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
April 15th 1866.

General Thomas L. Kane.
Philadelphia, Pa.

My Dear Sir:

I beg to introduce to you T. B. H. Stenhouse Esq. the Editor of the "Daily Telegraph" and Post Master of this City, who visits the East on business.

Wherever he travels Mr S. will improve any opportunity that may present itself of giving a faithful representation of matters of interest here. Should your better acquaintance with men and measures dispose you to suggest anything to Mr. S. you can do so with the greatest freedom and he will be much pleased to avail himself of your counsels.

We often think about you, and your name frequently arises in conversation, and always inspires pleasing recollections; but we would scarcely dare say that we <pray> for you. Mr S. will be able to give you all the items of news that may be interesting to you.

Accept my love, and remember me to your family and friends. May the Lord bless you and all belonging to you.

I remain as ever your friend,

Brigham Young