1866 April 27 Letter to Hiram B. Clawson


1866 April 27 Letter to Hiram B. Clawson


Details are given on a financial draft and a list of needed supplies is attached.




Brigham Young


Hiram B. Clawson


1866 April 27


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Item sets

Presidents Offict Gt Salt Lake City
April 27th 1866.

Hiram B. Clawson Esq.

Dear Brother:

I have made an arrangement with bro. Wm S. Godbe for a promissary note <or> draft for Ten Thousand Dollars, ($10,000), drawn by Messrs. Kimball & Lawrence in favor of Wm. S. Godbe on Isett Kerr & Co.,

Wall St., New York, to be paid on the next 13th August. I have drawn a sight draft on you for Nine Thousand five Hundred dollars ($9.500 00/100) in W. S. Godbe's favor, which amount you will please pay to him. He carries the draft with him which I have arranged for, and will deliver it to you, and sign it over to yourself or to whoever you may direct. In purchasing the Telegraph Wire, you can make your arrangements to pay in part with this draft. Isett Krrr & Co. would doubtless, if you chose, take the note and give you their own paper for it; but at anyrate, you can ask them for their acceptance of it.

Whatever discount or interest there may be to pay to make this Note as good as money Bro. William will pay; but you can pay this note over on the same terms that you could money.

By sending you this Draft you have five hundred dollars ($500.00) more to operate with than you would have otherwise.

James Street's breaking up the bargain about the Poles, may prevent me from purchasing all the wire that we need -- and limit me to, say 300 miles; but you must procure all the acids &c necessary.

With love I remain Your brother

Brigham Young

P. S.
In purchasing the wire you will have to buy part on time. I have also drawn a draft on you (No 868) for Thirteen Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars (1375.00 00/100) in favor of W. S. Godbe.

The following is the list of articles which I wish purchased for the use of our offices:

3 largest size Carboys Sulphuric Acid



" Nitric

4 large Flasks Mercury

500 Zincs for Grove Battery
200 Slips platina for Grove Battery
300 Porous cups for Grove Battery
15 pounds Bone Rubber insulated copper wife, about number 19 wire.
12 long Battery Brushes
300 Glasses for Grove Battery
150 Insulators for Battery to stand on.