1866 May 5 Letter to the Captains of the Companies going East


1866 May 5 Letter to the Captains of the Companies going East


Brigham gives the quantity of flour to leave at each location along the emigration route.




Edward Hunter
L. W. Hardy
J. C. Little


The Captains of the Companies going East


1866 May 5


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
May 5th 1866

To the Captains of the Companies going East for the Poor Saints, who have flour along to deposit by the

Dear Brethren:-

We have concluded that to carry the flour for the Poor, further East than heretofore arranged, would be a better policy. You will therefore please deposit deposit the Twelve Hundred Sacks at the following places viz: at the Three Crossings of the Sweet Water or at Sweet water Bridge --300 sacks At Bissonett's, Deer Creek 300 Sacks At Mud Springs 300 Sacks, At Pypers and Robinson's Kearney City 300 Sacks. These two last places are on the South side of the Platte river.

A receipt should be taken for each deposit made and on the return of the hindmost company the Captain should bring away the remaining flour and close the business with the Station keepers for keeping it in charge.

Each Captain, after reading these instructions, and making memoranda therefrom, will cause this letter to be forwarded to the next Company ahead, by one of his own men and so on until the last Captain receives it. The Courier from this City, after reaching the first Company from this place, will return.

Respectfully Yours &c

L. W. Hardy
J. C. Little
Edward Hunter