1866 May 28 Letter to Thomas H. Scott


1866 May 28 Letter to Thomas H. Scott


Counsel for Scott to acquaint himself with the gospel before going to Utah.




Brigham Young


Thomas H. Scott


1866 May 28


Great Salt Lake City
Detroit, Michigan


Missionary Work

Item sets


Gt Salt Lake City
Utah Territory
May 28th 1866.

Mr. Thomas H. Scott,
No. 19 Abbott St
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Sir:-

Accompanying this please receive a copy of the Deseret News. which contains an epitome of our faith From this you will obtain an Idea of the proper mode for men to take to become members of our Church, and to participate in the blessings of the gospel. Unless you are acquainted with our principles I should advise you to make yourself acquainted with them before you come on here. It is your privilege to obtain knowledge from the Lord on this matter for yourself so that you may know that this is not a "cunningly devised fable." Our works can be obtained from our Agency in New York. Elder Wm. H. Miles is in charge there. His address is 117 John St., or Post office Box 3957, New York.

Praying the Lord to bless you in your search after truth

I remain Respectfully

Brigham Young