1866 June 11 Letter to Kanosh


1866 June 11 Letter to Kanosh


Kanosh is asked to persuade the Indian Chiefs to keeping the treaty.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young




1866 June 11


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Presidents Office
Gt Salt Lake City
June 11th 1866.

To my good Friend Kanosh

We would like to have you go over to Uinta and see Tabby, and talk good to him and the other chiefs and young men there. They did feel angry, but they now feel better. Still their ears and hearts are not open to us as they should be. They have thought bad thoughts about us. We are their friends, and always have been the friends of the Indians. When did we ever rob or abuse the Indians? We have never spoken to them with two tongues, nor wore two faces. We have never wanted to shed their blood, and when driven to it, we have only done it in self defence. When Tabby and the rest get their ears open so that they can hear, they will be all right. I have never been mad with them, and do not want to be mad with them, and I have never talked wrong to any of the Indians. We have never broken the Treaty and we do not want the Indians to break the Treaty; but to fulfil it. They must not kill <white people> nor steal the stock. All the Indians who signed the Treaty agreed to bring in the bad Indians who should kill and commit depredations after the signing of the Treaty.

Tell this to Tabby, and talk to him, for you know about these things.

Brigham Young