1866 June 20 Letter to J. Twing Brooks


1866 June 20 Letter to J. Twing Brooks


Brigham is willing to try Brooks harvesting machine.




Brigham Young


J. Twing Brooks


1866 June 20


Great Salt Lake City
Salem, Ohio

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Item sets


Gt Salt Lake City
June 20th, 1866.

J. Twing Brooks, Esq.
Farmers National Bank
Salem, Ohio.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 28th ult., on the subject of your Harvesting machine, has just been received

We have a good country for cereals, our land yielding heavily when properly managed. Having to depend entirely upon irrigation to raise our crops, makes our fields uneven and the water ditches and furrows interfereing somewhat with the easy operation of Reapers and Mowers. Our people are inclined to use every labor-saving machine they can obtain; and probably about half the grain now produced in the Territory is harvested by Machines.

The Buckeye combined Reaper and Mower is the most popular Machine in this country, the parts being easily duplicated; Manning's machine also and Wood's Mower stand high. The combined Buckeye in 1864 cost at Omaha $200.00. The same Machine cost last year at the Factory $230,00. At Chicago, Wood's cost, in 1864, $85,00, and in 1865, $155,00.

Should you conclude to send on one of your machines, we will give it a fair trial; in case you should send it on, it would be well to consign it to Messrs Eldredge and Clawson of this City.

Yours respectfully

Brigham Young