1866 July 3 Letter to Thomas Taylor


1866 July 3 Letter to Thomas Taylor


Money is sent to pay emigration expenses. Rain has saved much labor. Indian hostilities are a chastisement from the Lord for some going after riches and ignoring counsel.




Brigham Young


Thomas Taylor


1866 July 3


Great Salt Lake City


Financial Matters
Indian Affairs

Presidents Office Gt Salt Lake City,
July 3rd, 1866.

Elder Thomas Taylor.
Wyoming, near Nebraska City. N. T.

Dear Brother:--

Enclosed please fine a Draft on Messrs. Barney, Morgan & Co. of New York for Five Thousand Dollars ($5000), of the sending of which I advised you by Telegraph this day. I send this money to you to use for Emigration purposes that you may be able to meet your engagements for the Emigration and be freed from embarrassment. 

Our people are very busy this season, having considerable labor on hand. But our abundant rains, though operating unfavorably upon the low lands, has saved a great amount of labor in watering. The promise of crops of grain and fruit is very fine.

The Indian troubles this season has called off a number of brethren from their business to go into the field to defend the settlements against the attacks of the Lamanites. President Wells is in San Pete County with upwards of 300 men from this and Utah Counties. Some of the brethren have had some skirmishes with Indians and three of them have been killed: Charles Brown of South Cotton wood Ward Jonathan Edmiston formerly of Manti, and A. Dimmick of Spanish Fork, and two have been wounded, who are recovering. How many of the Indians who have been killed we do not not know, as they have succeeded in carrying off their wounded and dead, if they had any. I have told the brethren that I think these Indians- troubles are a light chastisement from that quarter than from some others that might be.

The people's hearts have gone after riches, and they have neglected the counsel which has been given them, and were this feeling to continue to increase it would prove their destruction.

With love, and praying the Lord to bless you and the Elders in your labors

I remain Your Brother,

Brigham Young