1866 July 3 Letter to Barney, Morgan & Co.


1866 July 3 Letter to Barney, Morgan & Co.


Drafts have been drawn. The telegraph poles are delivered more rapidly due to the improved weather. Brigham suggests that both the old and new lines are necessary.




Brigham Young


Barney, Morgan & Co.


1866 July 3


Great Salt Lake City
New York City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters


Gt. Salt City, July 3rd, 1866.

Messrs. Barney, Morgan & Co.
New York City


I have this day drawn three Sight drafts on you for Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) each. One in favor of Messrs. Isett, Kerr & Co. Wall St., New York City; another in favor of John T. Caine, Esq.; and another in favor of Thomas Taylor, Esq.

Now that we have more settled weather we are progressing more rapidly in the delivery of the Poles both East and West. Hope to be able to advise you by Telegraph of the delivery of all the Poles on the Western and the principal portion of the Eastern Line, under my contract with you, before you receive this. There is now more than poles enough delivered to cover my former draft and what I have now drawn.

I hope the consolidation of your Line with the old Line will not interfere with the construction of your line as proposed. The new Line stretched across the Continent is much needed. There is business enough for two Lines, and the frequent interuptions in communication that we have recently had through the present line being down one third of the time, makes the necessity for a new line strikingly apparent.

I remain, Gentlemen,

Brigham Young