1866 December 6 Letter to M. Prevost


1866 December 6 Letter to M. Prevost


Brigham provides information on employment and land in Utah. Prevost is encouraged to emigrate for faith and not for money. He can contact Orson Pratt for books and information.




Brigham Young


M. Prevost


1866 December 6


Great Salt Lake City
Paris France

Number of Pages



Missionary Work


Great Salt Lake City,
Dec. 6, 1866.

M. Prevost fils
Medicin Dentiste
Rue du Slac 86 a Paris France

Dear Sir:

Your favor of the 13th of October 1866, has been received.

In reply to your first inquiry "does there exist in France or in Paris a branch of your Church?" There are but a few members of our Church in Paris; by placing yourself in communication with Hon. Orson Pratt, 42 Islington, Liverpool, you can be furnished with the necessary particulars. 

The Emigrants embark at Liverpool and generally land at New York on this side of the Ocean, and there take Rail as far west as possible; the remainder of the journey is then made with wagons. The Railway is being pushed west, and the distance for wagons to travel will be much lessened this coming year.

The price of passage for any one traveling as ours generally do, from France to this City, would probably not be far from one <hundred> dollars in gold. Of course such a sum would require to be economically expended. Farmers do tolerably well in this country. It is no place, however, for people to come to, if moneymaking be the object. The only inducement we had for coming here was to serve the Lord. Land varies in prices. In the vicinity of this city land is high, farming and grasslands selling at from fifty to one hundred and fifty Dollars per acre. But in other settlements land is cheap; and in new settlements it can be obtained by fencing it for the price of surveying.

The business of dentistry has been very good here; but is not so good now as it has been. However, there is no lack of employment for those who are here, and it is probable, that with the increasing population the business will increase.

We have an excellent country for Latter-day Saints to live in and serve their God. It develops their faith and energy; but there are not many advantages for the wicked. We wish all who are of our faith, and are willing to undergo the trials incident to the life of a Saint, to gather with us; but, before they come, it would be better for them, and more gratifying for us who reside here, to thoroughly satisfy themselves respecting the propriety of such a move by seeking unto the Lord in faith for the knowledge which He can bestow.

It is the privilege of every man to seek unto the Lord in the name of Jesus, and obtain the guidance of the Holy Ghost to show them His will, that they may know what to do.

By corresponding with Orson Pratt, 42 Islington, Liverpool, England, you can obtain books, and any information you may need, respecting our doctrines, our method of emigrating, and any other matter connected with us you may wish to know.

I remain Respectfully,

Brigham Young