1867 February 22 Letter to L. E. Harrington


1867 February 22 Letter to L. E. Harrington


William Kelly should be paid what he is owed. He did not mean wrong and intends to avoid future traps.




A. Milton Musser


L. E. Harrington


1867 February 22


Great Salt Lake City
American Fork

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Business Matters


Great Salt Lake City
Feby. 22d 1867.

Bishop L. E. Harrington
American Fork:-

Dear Brother:

Bro. Wm Kelly of your place has been to see me and feels much exercised about
his affairs at American Fork. He positively asserts that in dealing with the Firm, he meant no wrong whatever, and supposed as others did, that they had made all things right. He declares his intention to avoid all such traps hereafter, and to endeavor to follow more closely the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Those owing him should most certainly pay him every Cent, and in view of his disposition to do right, hereafter, I think the Saints would do no wrong in patronizing him as heretofore. You, of course, know Bro. K. better than I do, and <but> so far as the wrong, in dealing the time alluded to, goes, I for one think he should not be further proscribed.

If you can view this matter in the same light I do, please make this note as public as my former one and oblige,

Very Respy. Your brother in the Gospel

A. Milton Musser