1867 February 23 Letter to William H. Hooper


1867 February 23 Letter to William H. Hooper


An amended Constitution was adopted by vote. Annexation would be the most peaceful solution.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1867 February 23


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages




Great Salt Lake City, U. T.
Feb. 23. 1867.

Hon. Wm. H. Hooper M. C.
Washington City, D. C.

Dear brother:-

Herewith are forwarded a certified copy of the amended Constitution, the Memorial to Congress for admission and a Statement containing the Law passed by the General Assembly proposing the amendments or alterations, notice of election, abstract of votes &c. It would have been sent sooner, but has been detained waiting for the election returns and now lacks the returns from Washington and Kane counties, but we learn by telegraph that there were no opposition there. You will observe the Constitution with the proposed alterations has been laid directly before the people and adopted and "ratified by them" without the intervention of a convention as provided in Article 10 of said constitution.

The proposed annexation causes the subject of state government to become considerably agitated abroad and peradventure congress will discover in the acceptance of our constitution and unconditional admission the best and most peaceful solution of the great question of our religious rights which priests and bigoted partisans make so much hypocritical fuss about.

Men having any moral sense of right and wrong, of virtue and vice should look around themselves, into their own christian cities and communities and hide their faces with shame and confusion, instead of continually harping about a people whose moral instincts and practices are much  higher and superior to their own as heaven is above hell.

Everything moves on about as usual. All is well. May God bless you is the prayer of your friend & brother in the Covenant of Truth,

Daniel H Wells