1867 April 3 Letter to Alfred S. Addis


1867 April 3 Letter to Alfred S. Addis


Addis is concerned that the Saints will not purchase his art because he is not a member of the Church. He is assured that the Saints see him as a friend.




Brigham Young


Alfred S. Addis


1867 April 3


Great Salt Lake City
Alfred S. Addis

Number of Pages



Business Matters


President's Office
Gt. Salt Lake City
Apl. 3rd, 1867

Mr. Alfred S. Addis
Logan, Cache Co.

Dear Sir:
Your favor of March 24th in relation to an address made at a meeting in Logan on the date of your letter, has been received. The sentiments which you express are such as I should expect from a person coming here as you did. Bro. Musser informs me that when he spoke he had no allusion to you; and did not have you in his mind when he first spoke of artists. While you entertain the sentiments which you have expressed in your letter, and your actions correspond there-with, I know of no one who would feel disposed in the least to ostracise you; but, on the contrary, treat you as though you belonged to the Church. You are one of the family anyhow.

I do not think you will have any trouble from what was said at the meeting referred to. I think you write in a hurry as you write in anticipation of a loss of business. But our people are quick to discern their friends; their perceptions have been sharpened by past bitter experience; and so long as you conduct yourself with propriety, I do not think you will have the least difficulty in getting along. Of course, in a new country, like ours, you must not expect to get along without some trouble. We all have had this to contend with.

With kind regards
I am

Brigham Young