1867 April 12 Letter to Orson Hyde


1867 April 12 Letter to Orson Hyde


Due to Indian hostilities, people living on the Sevier should relocate. Elders need to go through their Bishops to solemnize a marriage. Conference focused on the Word of Wisdom and unity.




Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1867 April 12


Great Salt Lake City
Springtown, San Pete County

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Gospel Doctrine
Church Leadership
Missionary Work.


President's Office
Gt. Salt Lake City,
Apl. 12th. 1867

President Orson Hyde
Springtown, San Pete Co.

Dear Bro:

Your letter about sending help to the Sevier has been answered by our letter to you counseling the people in the Settlements on the Sevier to move into other Settlements, and therefore I need not allude to that point.

When Elders in the settlements solemnize marriage without the knowledge of the Bishops, the proper course to take with them would be to cut them off from the Church. Every Elder should know by this time that he has no such right. To permit men to do such things without check would be a fruitful source of evil.

Our Conference has been well attended and an excellent Spirit prevailed. The Word of Wisdom was dwelt upon considerably and the necessity of the people being as obedient and united in temporal as they are in Spiritual matters. The people felt well, and we anticipate excellent results from the plain and pointed teachings which they received. Fifty-two elders have been called as missionaries.

It is my present intention to leave here, accompanied by a few of the brethren, for St. George, on or about the 22nd of April, should roads permit and nothing else intervene to prevent.

With love, and praying the Lord to bless and uphold you continually in your labors,

I am,
Your Brother

Brigham Young

P.S. The words used about Elders solemnizing marriage "Cut them off from the Church" refer to the particular case to which you mentioned. As a rule, the course to take with them would be to suspend them from fellowship.
