President's Office, G.S.L. City
May 21, 1867
President B. Young, Junr. & John W. Young
42 Islington, Liverpool, England
Dear Sons:
Your favors of March 13 & 28 were received by me on my return from the South whither I had been absent twenty-four days, and have been perused with much pleasure. I write now in hopes that my letter will reach you before you leave Liverpool, as you advise me that you intend to sail on the 29th June. I am depending on your advising me what time you will be at the terminus of the Rail Road and what you will be likely to need there. My advice is that you buy your own vehicles to ride home in. You probably contemplate stopping in the States to visit your own and Katie's relatives; if so, a telegram from New York may reach me sufficiently early to enable me to have you met at the Rail Road terminus if it is needed. I calculate there will be a train there for freight between the first and fifteenth of July.
Your brother <Heber> is about starting from this city on his mission; the train with <which> he is going down started a day or two ago. He intends to go out with Heber P. Kimball and overtake it. You will probably meet him in New York. I am sure he will be very glad to see you, and you him. Encourage Oscar in his labors, tell him to persevere, seek for wisdom and do right and he will overcome. His family are well. I trust your voyage over will be pleasant to yourselves and Katie and the children, and that you will have a safe and prosperous journey home. Our faith and prayers will be exercised, as they always are, in your behalf.
We have had an exceedingly pleasant trip to Saint George and back. We held thirty four meetings, at most of which I addressed the people; besides having several councils and attending to considerable other business. The trip was a fatiguing one, though I endured it very well. I suffered on my return with a boil on my ankle, which still troubles me a little.
You have doubtless seen the confession published by Bro. A.M. Lyman. On his return South I was informed that he had conveyed the idea to the people that he had been pinched to make this confession, and that his views were unchanged. His case was investigated as we went South, and it was decided to cut him off from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and to take his priesthood from him. His erroneous teachings have been found to be more extensive than was imagined
We had a fine rain on Saturday night and Sunday last which was very timely as everything was very dry. Scarcely a drop of rain had fallen during our absence from the City. The prospects for fruit and crops are very good, though in the North we hear that the grasshoppers are very numerous; whether they do damage or not, however, will be as the Lord wills.
Times are dull and there is but little demand for flour or grain. The merchants on "Whiskey St." can scarcely get enough day by day to pay their rents. The people manifest the strongest disposition we have ever witnessed to carry into effect the counsels which have been given respecting the Word of Wisdom and obedience in temporal as well as spiritual matters. There has been no coercion used, no covenants required; the principle has been set forth and the people seemed prepared to receive and carry it out willingly. Peace and good health prevail throughout the Territory.
Your mother and your families and all the folks are well and all join with me in love to you. Give my love to Oscar, Katie, Bros. Franklin & Orson (if he has not sailed) and all the Elders, in which Presdts. Kimball & Wells and Bro. Geo. Q. join; and praying the Lord to bless and preserve you all and bring you home in safety.
I am Your Father
Brigham Young