1867 June 11 Letter to Andrew Cahoon


1867 June 11 Letter to Andrew Cahoon


Alma Butler should not go on the Indian Expedition but remain to help Brother Benbow. Those who do not respond to military calls should not be compelled.




Brigham Young


A. Cahoon


1867 June 11


Great Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood, Great Salt Lake County


Indian Affairs


President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,
June 11, 1867.

Bp. A Cahoon,
Little Cottonwood, Gt. Salt Lake Co;

Dear Brother:

I understand that a young man by the name of Alma Butler, who is living at present with Bro. Benbow, has been, or is about to be selected, to go to San Pete to fill the place of one of the brethren who has come home sick, in the Command that has been sent from this county to assist in the defence of the settlements there. Taking into account Bro. Benbow's age and infirmities, and his lack of help, I think it will be better to let the young man alone and be excused, and to select some one of a riper age to go there.

In a note written a few days ago, you ask what notice or action should be taken of the men or boys who do not respond to the military calls for the San Pete Military Expedition. I do not know of any action but to let them be. If men do not love Zion well enough to defend her without the use of compulsory measures they will be of little service in the field, if compelled to go. There should be a sentiment of honor encouraged in the breasts of our young men on these points. If trained in habits of obedience, they will go as willingly on an Indian Expedition as they would on a foreign Mission.

With love, I remain,
your Bro.

Brigham Young