1867 July 11 Letter to Elizabeth Matthes


1867 July 11 Letter to Elizabeth Matthes


In order to recall the family of Matthes, Brigham inquires into her maiden name and where her parents lived and were baptized.




Brigham Young


Elizabeth Matthes


1867 July 11


Great Salt Lake City
Viola, Richland County, Wisconsin

Number of Pages




Gt. Salt Lake City,
July 11th, 1867.

Mrs. Elizabeth Matthes,
Viola, Richland Co., Wisconsin.

Dear Sister:

Your letter of May 6th has been received. We are pleased to hear from you, and to know that your feelings yearn after the people of God. Those who have heard your letter read do not know you by your present name. What were your parents' names, and at what place did they live in Missouri? What town and State did they reside in when they joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? and let us know, if you can, who baptized them. You probably have <old> acquaintances here whom you remember; if so, what are their names? You speak about a Sister Mary Cooper who is in your neighborhood. Who is she? and where did she join the church and by whom was she baptized, and when?

We are striving to serve the Lord, and to live the religion which he has revealed to us to the best of our ability, and the Lord has given us peace and union, and we have been prospered in building up his kingdom to a very great extent.

We were despoiled of our property, driven from our homes, and compelled to take refuge in a wilderness country, far removed from the enemies who oppressed us. In taking this journey, and settling this country, the Lord has protected and greatly blessed us, and His praises ascend from thousands of happy homes from one end of this Territory to the other.

With kind regards, and praying the Lord to bless you

I remain
Your Brother,

Brigham Young