1867 July 23 Letter to Orson Hyde


1867 July 23 Letter to Orson Hyde


Hyde is invited to travel North with Brigham. Cache Valley crops suffer grasshopper damage. Indians steel livestock and an attack on gold seekers left 1 dead and 2 missing. A group of missionaries are en route for home.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1867 July 23


Great Salt Lake City
Springtown, San Pete County

Number of Pages



Church Leadership
Indian Affairs
Missionary Work


President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
July 23rd, 1867.

President Orson Hyde,
Springtown, San Pete Co.

Dear Brother:

Enclosed please find my programme of travel to Bear Lake Valley. You will see, that we intend to leave this City on the morning of Monday September 2nd, and we hope that you will be up in time to start with us. We shall be at Provo on the 24th of August at the dedication of their new Meeting House.

We have had very warm weather this summer, and in Salt Lake, Weber and Davis Counties the crops are very promising; prospects for a crop of fruit are also good. In Cache Valley the grasshoppers are doing considerable damage; but from Bear Lake reports are more favorable.

We received a telegram, yesterday, from Bro. Dame at Parowan, stating that the Indians had made a raid upon the stock there; but they were repulsed and most of the stock recaptured. A few such affairs as this may probably induce them to come to terms; for if they find they cannot make a raid without endangering their lives, they may cease their depredations, or they will at least learn that they cannot commit them with impunity.

Brother Henry W. Laurence and some other brethren got in from the Plains a day or two ago. They report the capture, below Julesburg, by the Indians, of a number of mules belonging to Brothers Streeper, Randall, Stoddard and Lot Smith. These brethren were camped at a Station along side the Rail Road, thinking themselves perfectly safe, as trains were continually passing; but ere they were aware of it, several mounted Indians from the hills not far distant, had stampeded and driven off their stock <to the amount of 65 mules,> getting beyond reach before the brethren could get ready to pursue them.

Our missionaries got safe through to New York and have sailed for Europe. Brigham, Jr., his family and John W. all landed recently at New York, and I expect they are now en-route for the terminus of the Rail Road.

Brigham W. Kimball, who has been lying seriously ill at Philadelphia, is improving and is on his way home. Sister Vilate Kimball's health is very poor; she still suffers from impaired health brought on by the news of her son's indisposition.

Considerable excitement has been caused in this city and neighborhood by the reported discovery of gold on Willow Creek near the upper crossing of the Sweetwater. It caused quite a rush among a certain class of our population; but many have returned disappointed and crestfallen, and this morning, a telegram was received, stating that some of them had been routed by Indians, their stock stolen, one man killed and two others missing. The specimens of gold that have been brought in are said to be more pure than any that has been found in the neighboring Territories.

With love, a in which Presdt's Kimball & Wells join and praying the Lord to bless you continually with His holy spirit that you may be able to magnify your high and holy calling, I am

Your Brother

Brigham Young