1867 August 21 Letter to F. W. Young


1867 August 21 Letter to F. W. Young


Brigham will collect on a financial note and credit Young. Brigham has no property in Payson to trade. He counsels Young to remain on his land and attend to it.




Brigham Young


F. W. Young


1867 August 21


Great Salt Lake City
Bear River, Box Elder County


Financial Matters

President's Office,
Gt. Salt Lake City,
August 21st, 1867.

Elder F.W. Young,
Bear River, Box Elder Co., U.T.

Dear Nephew:

Your letter of August 20th reached me this morning, also a note signed by Bro.'s Howell & Campbell for Three Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($375.00) which you wish me to collect and credit to your account. When this note is paid I will place the credit as you desire.

The property which you propose to let me have in Clarkston, I would have no use for, if I were to take it. It would be of no benefit to me. I have no property at Payson that I care about trading off.

The better way for you will be to keep the <land you have> and attend to it. By attending to it, you will have more satisfaction and profit as a result of your labors than you will be likely to have by moving to Payson or other places.

With love I remain Your Uncle,

Brigham Young